Friday, October 9, 2009

The Nobility!

It all started in January of 2009, but what has come of it now is unacceptable. The Nobel Peace Prize to Barack Obama! What for? What has he done to deserve it? What has he achieved so far?

Just nine months in office and this? This doesn’t speak too well of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. It just shows the partiality towards the so called super power of the world. It only depicts the preference that is given to a president who hasn’t accomplished much in his tenure, who hasn’t even completed his term.

He hasn’t solved any conflicts that bring peace to the world; on the contrary he just sent more troops to start the second war in Afghanistan and still continues to fight in Iraq. So where is the peace? It is all war for the US President. It is all words and no work so far.

The Nobel prize is a highly political appreciation of work of substance; it isn't a beauty pageant where you show off your nice clothes and make public appearances. The Nobel committee had the audacity to give away the prize on hope rather than on credentials. There are many more who deserved it and work not for the public’s eye but because it is required, because it is essential. This prize is a blot on the name of the Peace Prize winners of the past and many more to come, if they aren’t as well deserved as Mr. Barack H Obama.

With the coming of this news, the Nobel committee has lost all its credibility.